A new collaborative Chemical Review!
We have a new review out in Chemical Reviews! In collaboration with the Mazziotti, Kais, and Narang groups, we provide an introduction and overview to the la...
We have a new review out in Chemical Reviews! In collaboration with the Mazziotti, Kais, and Narang groups, we provide an introduction and overview to the la...
First year graduate students, William Anderson and Mikayla Fahrenbruch, have officially joined the research team!
We have a new paper out in the the Journal of Chemical Physics! Here we focus on investigating the effects of the second d-shell on a series of transition me...
Tim Krogmeier and Whitney Short attended the Midwest Regional ACS Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska this week! Tim gave an excellent talk on his recent work focused...
Graduate student Tim Krogmeier gave an excellent talk at the Fall ACS Meeting in Denver on his recent arXiv preprint focused on using the Lindblad equation t...
Rising WashU senior, Whitney Short, wrapped up her summer MRSEC REU program today!
This Wednesday at 1PM CDT we’ll be starting our virtual Summer of Molecular Quantum Information Science Seminar Series, where we will hear from 11 students...
We have a new paper out in ACS Physical Chemistry Au! Led by undergraduate Emily Oh, we apply our recently developed SVD-based algorithm to model the open dy...
Graduating senior, Julie Lampert, won the Helmholz Award for her research in the group! She will be starting her PhD at Yale University this fall.
At the end of a great first two years at Washington University in St. Louis, the group will be moving to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities this summer!
The group had a great showing at the 63rd Sanibel Symposium in St. Augustine Beach, Florida this week, including: Anthony Schlimgen's presentation on us...
We have a new paper out in the Journal of Chemical Physics in collaboration with the Mabbs Group at Washington University in St. Louis! This study investigat...
We wrapped up a great year with our first group photo!
WashU had a great showing at the 2023 Physical Sciences, Math, and Computer Science Midstates Undergraduate Research Symposium at the University of Chicago...
The Wexler and Head-Marsden groups co-hosted a special symposium at the Midwest-Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting entitled Chemical Theory Across Scales w...
Our group’s second paper is officially published in The Journal of Chemical Physics! In this work we use correlated excited state methods to describe vibrat...
Our group’s first paper is officially published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “Physical Chemistry of Quantum Information Scienc...
Prof. Brad Parsons from Creighton University came to visit the group!
Postdoc and PhD positions available The Head-Marsden group is currently looking for dynamic and highly-motivated scientists for a variety of projects in the...